The New M.E. Generation

So that’s what I did. I replied by email a week later thinking he would feel upset for my late response and forget about going out. But, no, he replied rather quickly saying to call him.

I didn’t do it right away. I just didn’t want to come across as desperate. Besides, I wasn’t that excited of going out again. I know many months have passed, but I still had an uneasy feeling about him.

So when I thought it was time, I called and he answered right away (maybe he’s the one who’s desperate). He was also driving and coming back from some event.

“Well, hey, you, what’s up? What have you got to tell me?” asked he.

What is he saying? He doesn’t sound ‘normal’. Definitely not the voice I remember from before.

“Fine,” said I, “just moved south to a new place last weekend.”

“What?? Why the heck did you do that for? Your previous location was great and closer to me.”

“Changes.” (Seriously, it’s not your freaking problem.)

“But, look, man, what, why all the way there?”

“What are you complaining about? It’s done!” (What’s his problem? That this area is not up to his standards?)

He kept rambling on about questioning my move. It sounded to me he had a few too many drinks.

“So, yeah, girl, when are we meeting up?”

“You tell me, you’re the one who contacted me.” (And I’m not into it as we speak.)

“Let’s do a drink or something.”

(More than what you probably have had?) “Sounds fine with me, but now if you want to see me, you have to come this way.”

“Girl, damn, shoot, whoa, you’re making it difficult for me.”

(Why does he have to use so much wording?) “That’s how it goes. Why don’t you come over and then figure out what to do next?” (Like getting yourself together.)

“Yeah, chica, hey, great, what’s your address?”

Maybe this is not such a good idea. Letting him into my space is a risk, but if he gets annoying, out you go!

Yeah, dude, well, this girl rules!

et cetera